Auditory and Speech-Language Institute

Methods of Payment


Insurance payment is contingent on your insurance plan. OtoLing is a PPO providerfor speech 

therapy through the BlueCross Blue Shield (BCBS) network only.

Audiology is considered an out of network service (even through BCBS)

Dr. Hooks cannot transfer his speech pathology license to provide audiology services.

• Payment plans: Payment plans are available. Contact the OtoLing office to  discuss this option.

We accept cash and personal checks.

We do not accept credit card payments for rendered services.


There is a $35 insufficient check funds charge. This charge is to be paid in addition to your regular therapy charge and is due prior to your next therapy appointment.


Any monies collected from your insurance company after personal payment has been made will be credited to the remaining account balance or refunded to you. This does not include co-payments.


OtoLing sends you a statement of your account when there is an action or actions you need to take. Your statement will reflect the status of your account. You will see what has been billed to your insurance company, the status of your co-payments and any balance due.

Updated: 13 January 2024; 17:08:22  UTC